A Place To Grow
SpeakEasy is a place to take a class and teach a class.
If you feel called to co-create, we have a media team, Sunday morning production group and a half dozen small groups that we call salons, and there is literally something for everyone and if you don’t find it on the calendar, you can create it.
Check out the GIVE page for all the ways we have been able to give back to our community and world.
Do I have to be religious or spiritual?
We are not interested in being another religion or attempting to create a universal theology. Instead, we celebrate diversity and seek a universal experience of Love. Truth is our passion, Love is our religion, care is our currency, and peace is our goal. No matter where you’ve been, what you believe, or who you love, you are welcome.
Our community is a diverse tapestry of people who identify as Atheist, Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, Protestant, New Thought, and agnostic, to name a few. We also have people of varying political affiliations. We welcome everyone.
Are you Bible Based?
The source used for our conversations are as diverse as the community. You are likely to hear stories and quotes from A Course in Miracles, the Bible, 12-Step, Buddha, Edgar Caycee, Martin Luther King, the New York Times, Facebook, Ralph Waldo Emerson… an advertisement for fast food, a Beatles song.
We find God in the most interesting places.
Are there dues or fees?
SpeakEasy Spiritual Community is a non-profit corporation registered in the state of Illinois.
At each gathering, we pass a basket for collection. Additionally, we are able to receive online giving. Several times a year we organize fundraisers. All donations are tax deductible. We are a wealth conscious community and we tithe 10% of our collection to places where we have been spiritually fed.