Upcoming Classes & Events

See below for upcoming classes.  Visit our Calendar page for more events.

The Grief Recovery Method

Starting January 13th – March 3rd

Join us for an 8 week action-oriented program for those who are looking to move beyond death, divorce and other life losses.

Sacred Movement 

Monday~Friday Yoga 
@ 5:30am PT | 6:30am MT | 7:30am CT | 8:30am ET | 1:30pm Ireland
            Feel more balanced in your mind, body and spirit and experience a greater connection to your inner knowing through movement.  Duration: 30 minutes.

Introducing The Work

Byron Katie’s Work is an easy, practical method for releasing resentment, fear, and judgment.  We gather every 1st Saturday of the month and it is led by Rev. Elizabeth Keats.  Register to receive Zoom details.

ACIM Text Study Group

We gather every Tuesdays to study the Text of A Course in Miracles in community.  Join us for meditation, prayer, miracles, and the willingness to dive deeper into the study of the Text. Led by Sherry Ransom. 

Tucked In with Our Divine

This is an opportunity to quietly close the day in gratitude with a gentle reminder of the ACIM lesson of the day. And finally an invitation to the Divine Mother to tuck us in for peaceful sleep.  Led by Jeanne LaPorte.  Duration: 15-20 minutes

Sacred Sanctuary 

Gift yourself this contemplative practice of prayer & meditation for peace and forgiveness led by Jeanne La Porte.  This 20-minute practice honors The Divine Mother to help close out your day. We host various teachings to give you a buffet of wisdom and peace.

12-Steps to Miracles

Join us on Zoom for a weekly gathering where we dip into the concepts of 12-Steps and A Course in Miracles.  All are welcome.